1971 • Ellsworth “Bud” Poe dies
1971 • Joan Poe becomes President of Standard Distributing Co.
1974 • Big Sky Beverage, Olympia Beer Distributor
1979 • Buchanan Wholesale, a Candy & Tobacco Wholesaler
1979 • Crystal Distribution, a cold storage warehouse
The 1970’s

November 1973
Rex Bruner, Jim Walters, Russ Hayes, Irv Ingam, George Miller, Don Sharp, Willie Hume, Rick McDonald, Floyd Eubanks, Art Zander, Bill Narey, Arlan Schellhorn, Norma Andrews, Bennie Owen, Barb Walbaum, Floyd Albrecht, Bill Parker, David Poe
To see more Oktoberfest 1978 pictures, click below
Letter from the Schlitz Brewery to my mother, Joan Poe, saying the Beer Business is a Man’s business, and that she should sell out or hire a man to run the business.
11 years later, Joan won the Inner Circle Award for excellence in operations
Letter to the President of Orkin suggesting they use business person instead of businessman. They got the idea and eventually promoted “Women’s Day”